
competent & serious.


Our customized financial statements are part of our consulting-oriented audit approach.


Our customized financial statements are part of our consulting-oriented audit approach.


The preparation and auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements is often a legal obligation, depending on the legal structure and size of the company. In addition, the annual or consolidated financial statements often serve as the company’s business card for third parties (e.g. banks, potential investors, the public). Since the legal regulations allow for flexibility in the area of accounting policy in many areas, the particular expertise and extensive experience of our auditors are required in order to present not only annual financial statements that comply with the legal requirements, but also financial statements that are tailored to the needs of the individual company.

In addition, our activities in connection with the preparation or audit of financial statements may reveal weaknesses in the internal control system, the accounting system, the organization or other areas of the Company.

Our counselling-oriented approach to auditing is reflected in the comprehensive information provided to management on the weaknesses uncovered and targeted recommendations for their elimination. The principle of auditor independence is upheld at all times.

In addition to the regularly or annually recurring tasks, as an auditing firm we carry out legally prescribed or voluntary special audits on a wide variety of tasks.

Our range of services:

Auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with German commercial law and international accounting standards

Quality control audits according to § 57a WPO

Foundation audits

Remediation tests

Audits in accordance with the Transformation Act (e.g. merger audits)

Audits in accordance with the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG)

Audits in accordance with the German Banking Act (KWG)

Audits in accordance with the Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG)

Audits in accordance with the German Investment Code (KAGB)

Examinations within the framework of the Dual System Germany (DSD)

Audits in accordance with the Real Estate Agents and Property Developers Ordinance

Audits in accordance with the Financial Investment Intermediaries Ordinance

Internal Audit at Companies Supervised by BaFin

Other special audits (e.g. under the German Budgetary Principles Act, squeeze-out audits under Section 327c of the German Stock Corporation Act, other special audits under stock corporation law, embezzlement audits)

Please also note our services Tax consultancy, accounting and Sustainability Services.