Continuing Education
Step by step.
Our goal: “A little better every day.“ This is why we integrate the further training of our employees into our everyday work from day one. As an integral part of the ALR culture.
Our goal: “A little better every day.“ This is why we integrate the further training of our employees into our everyday work from day one. As an integral part of the ALR culture.
We expressly support the continuing education of our employees. We see ourselves as an educational partner: We provide the educational opportunities, framework conditions and offers. You continue your education on your own responsibility and according to your individual educational needs.
The professional statutes of WP/vBP serve as a basis for all our activities and efforts to qualify our employees in the best possible way and to introduce them to the general professional duties.

“There is no second chance for a first impression” – We agree with this – and take sufficient time for onboarding. A structured process familiarizes you with key contacts, tools and processes in the first few days. Whether 1:1 training or in an online format – we train you intensively and comprehensively!
Then we start with the technical induction. We rely on mentoring: an experienced colleague takes over your supervision and induction and is available to answer any questions. And of course, social integration is not neglected, whether it’s an introduction to the team, small talk over a coffee, or the lunch break.
Our annual appraisal meetings and regular jour fixe, whether with our own team, mentor or the entire firm, ensure that we remain in lively exchange.

As young professionals, you face the challenge of putting the knowledge you bring with you from the lecture hall into daily practice. We focus on dialog. We provide you with important tools and in-depth expertise for your professional practice through experienced professional colleagues in our internal seminar series, appropriately called “Friday Dialog”.
In addition, our external and internal training opportunities are open to you. Find out more under “Our full range of offers”.
In addition, we offer our audit assistants the opportunity to participate in a one-week training event organized by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW). The IDW covers current topics in the areas of auditing, tax consulting and business law.

With your studies, you have laid an important foundation for your professional success.
There is no typical way for you to complete the steps to the tax consultant exam. This is because everyone has their own background, learning behavior and individual needs. We are flexible here: whether you are a graduate with 2-3 years of professional experience as a tax/audit assistant, a part-time master’s program with integrated tax advisor preparation/exam, or a completely different model? It doesn’t matter, because on your way to the exam we will accompany you in any case with a financial contribution to your preparation and exam costs and/or the appropriate working time model.
We also provide the time off necessary for intensive preparation immediately before taking the exam. We not only encourage you to take advantage of these trainings – it is rather our expectation that you will continuously educate yourself on the way to the tax consultant exam. Our high standards prove us right – as evidenced by our employees’ excellent success rates on the tax advisor exam.

Innovations in case law and legislation must be constantly reflected and discussed. To this end, we use our own know-how on the one hand. On the other hand, we use internal events to impart new knowledge through colleagues with professional experience. And who can participate? Everyone, of course!
Renowned training institutes also support us as external, experienced training specialists. This enables us to offer special training courses for every career level and specialist area. Whether it’s e-learning, webinars, classroom training, or a wide variety of tax law, auditing, or business topics – you’re sure to find the right training with us!

In today’s working world, it is not enough to rely on current knowledge. We have to adapt to permanent change. To keep pace, our professionals focus on acquiring in-depth know-how. Here you can count on our cooperation with respected educational institutions or the IDW. But also the collegial exchange in the sense of best practice or the cooperation in working groups is open to you.
In addition to extended professional responsibility, our experienced colleagues can take on personnel responsibility on request. We promote their personal development individually in the direction of leadership personality.
Of course, we also support you if you want to take the auditor’s exam. Both financially, mentally and through a flexible working time model.